
Lezing & Meditatie Workshop

Petra Hofstede organiseerde een lezing en meditatie workshop die werd onderwezen door de Tibetaanse Boeddhistische Lama Tulku Sonam Choedup Rinpoche. Petra Hostede; coach en meditatietrainer vanuit de Robert Bridgeman methode en tevens zelfstandig fysiotherapeut.

Unseen Foto Fair 2014, Amsterdam - exploring the city: my contribution

Pure Market


Pure Markt Amstelpark
Photo by: Daisy Gilyamse Photography

Festival Hall 2011, Melbourne - farewell of lionel rose

Friends, Family, Sports Stars and Politicians have gathered at Festival Hall for the funeral of world boxing champion Lionel Edmund Rose. Family -godfather- of Ruby Rose. State funeral service of Lional Rose that was held at Festival Hal, Melbourne, Australia, 2011, May 8


One of Lionel's greatest achievements was winning a world title. Although he was not the first aboriginal to win a world title he was the first boxer to do so. Rose won the Bantamweight title in 1968 against Harada from Japan. he was also the second Australian to win a world title while still in his teens. He turned professional in 1964 and was trained by Melbourne trainer Jack Rennie. 

Rose embarked on a modest singing career in Australia having hits with 'I Thank You' and 'Please Remember Me' in 1970. The song 'I thank you' was a nationwide hit, produced and written by Johnny Young and engineered by John L Sayers.

"I think of myself as an Australian," Rose said. "I don't go in for all this black and white thing. To me, we're all Australians."