Petra Hofstede organiseerde een lezing en meditatie workshop die werd onderwezen door de Tibetaanse Boeddhistische Lama Tulku Sonam Choedup Rinpoche. Petra
Hostede; coach en meditatietrainer vanuit de Robert Bridgeman methode en tevens zelfstandig fysiotherapeut.
Friends, Family, Sports Stars and Politicians have gathered at Festival Hall for the funeral of world boxing champion Lionel Edmund Rose. Family -godfather- of Ruby Rose. State funeral service of Lional Rose that was held at Festival Hal, Melbourne, Australia, 2011, May 8
One of Lionel's greatest achievements was winning a world title. Although he was not the first aboriginal to win a world title he was the first boxer to do so. Rose won the Bantamweight title in 1968 against Harada from Japan. he was also the second Australian to win a world title while still in his teens. He turned professional in 1964 and was trained by Melbourne trainer Jack Rennie.
Rose embarked on a modest singing career in Australia having hits with 'I Thank You' and 'Please Remember Me' in 1970. The song 'I thank you' was a nationwide hit, produced and written by Johnny Young and engineered by John L Sayers.
"I think of myself as an Australian," Rose said. "I don't go in for all this black and white thing. To me, we're all Australians."
About me:
“Als je de richting van de wind niet kunt veranderen, verander dan de stand van je zeilen.”
"Als het je niet bevalt, verander het. als je het niet kunt veranderen, verander dan hoe je erover denkt."